A-star in graph database

This is real time implementation for applying a star algorithm in graph database [Neo4j]. For visualisation we have used Neovis.js We calculated distance between cities and save it as a relationship property between them where the distance is less than 250km. This way we set a threshold to travel less than 250km per day on our trip and still wind up in one of the cities on the list every day.

How it runs?
Open the html file provided in the repository. Give the places => “from” and “to”
You’ll get the shortest path between two cities with max. 250 km distance constraint.
The Nodes diameter increases with the increase in population of thge city and the edge’s width increases with the increase in distance between the two cities, considering maximum distance to be 250 kms.

Source: sangamkotalwar/A-star-in-graph-database